Source code for pystoned.pwCNLS

# import dependencies
from pyomo.environ import Objective, minimize, Constraint
from . import wCNLS
from .constant import CET_ADDI, FUN_PROD, RTS_VRS

[docs] class pwCNLS(wCNLS.wCNLS): """penalized Weighted Convex Nonparametric Least Square (pwCNLS) """
[docs] def __init__(self, y, x, w, eta, z=None, cet=CET_ADDI, fun=FUN_PROD, rts=RTS_VRS, penalty=1): """wCNLS model Args: y (float): output variable. x (float): input variables. w (float): weight variable. eta (float): regularization parameter. z (float, optional): Contextual variable(s). Defaults to None. cet (String, optional): CET_ADDI (additive composite error term) or CET_MULT (multiplicative composite error term). Defaults to CET_ADDI. fun (String, optional): FUN_PROD (production frontier) or FUN_COST (cost frontier). Defaults to FUN_PROD. rts (String, optional): RTS_VRS (variable returns to scale) or RTS_CRS (constant returns to scale). Defaults to RTS_VRS. penalty (int, optional): penalty=1 (L1 norm), penalty=2 (L2 norm), and penalty=3 (Lipschitz norm). Defaults to 1. """ # TODO(error/warning handling): Check the configuration of the model exist self.eta = eta wCNLS.wCNLS.__init__(self, y, x, w, z, cet, fun, rts) if penalty == 1 or penalty == 2: self.__model__.weighted_objective.deactivate() if penalty == 1: self.__model__.new_objective = Objective(rule=self.__new_objective_rule(), sense=minimize, doc='objective function') elif penalty == 2: self.__model__.new_objective = Objective(rule=self.__new_objective_rule2(), sense=minimize, doc='objective function') elif penalty == 3: self.__model__.lipschitz_norm = Constraint(self.__model__.I, rule=self.__lipschitz_rule(), doc='Lipschitz norm') else: raise ValueError('Penalty must be 1, 2, or 3.')
def __new_objective_rule(self): """Return the proper objective function""" def objective_rule(model): return sum(self.w[i] * model.epsilon[i] ** 2 for i in model.I) \ + self.eta * sum(model.beta[ij] for ij in model.I * model.J) return objective_rule def __new_objective_rule2(self): """Return the proper objective function""" def objective_rule(model): return sum(self.w[i] * model.epsilon[i] ** 2 for i in model.I) \ + self.eta * sum(model.beta[ij] ** 2 for ij in model.I * model.J) return objective_rule def __lipschitz_rule(self): """Lipschitz norm""" def lipschitz_rule(model, i): return sum(model.beta[i, j] ** 2 for j in model.J) <= self.eta**2 return lipschitz_rule