============================ Additive CNLS model ============================ Hildreth (1954) is the first to consider the nonparametric regression subject to monotonicity and concavity constraints in the case of a single input variable :math:`x`. Kuosmanen (2008) extends Hildreth’s approach to the multivariate setting with the multidimensional input :math:`\boldsymbol{x}`, and refers it to as the Convex Nonparametric Least Squares (CNLS). CNLS builds upon the assumption that the true but unknown production function :math:`f` belongs to the set of continuous, monotonic increasing and globally concave (convex) functions, imposing exactly the same production axioms as standard Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) (see further discussion in Kuosmanen and Johnson, 2010). The additive multivariate CNLS formulations are defined as - Esimating production function .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{alignat}{2} \underset{\alpha, \boldsymbol{\beta}, \varepsilon} \min &\sum_{i=1}^n\varepsilon_i^2 \\ \textit{s.t.}\quad & y_i = \alpha_i + \boldsymbol{\beta}_i^{'}\boldsymbol{x}_i + \varepsilon_i &{\quad}& \forall i \notag \\ & \alpha_i + \boldsymbol{\beta}_i^{'}\boldsymbol{x}_i \le \alpha_j + \boldsymbol{\beta}_j^{'}\boldsymbol{x}_i &{\quad}& \forall i, j \notag\\ & \boldsymbol{\beta}_i \ge \boldsymbol{0} &{\quad}& \forall i \notag \end{alignat} - Estimating cost function .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{alignat}{2} \underset{\alpha, \boldsymbol{\beta}, \varepsilon} \min & \sum_{i=1}^n\varepsilon_i^2 \\ \textit{s.t.}\quad & y_i = \alpha_i + \boldsymbol{\beta}_i^{'}\boldsymbol{x}_i + \varepsilon_i &{\quad}& \forall i \notag \\ & \alpha_i + \boldsymbol{\beta}_i^{'}\boldsymbol{x}_i \ge \alpha_j + \boldsymbol{\beta}_j^{'}\boldsymbol{x}_i &{\quad}& \forall i, j \notag \\ & \boldsymbol{\beta}_i \ge \boldsymbol{0} &{\quad}& \forall i \notag \end{alignat} where :math:`\alpha_i` and :math:`\boldsymbol{\beta}_i` define the intercept and slope parameters of tangent hyperplanes that characterize the estimated piecewise linear frontier. :math:`\varepsilon_i` denotes the CNLS residuals. The first constraint can be interpreted as a multivariate regression equation, the second constraint imposes convexity (concavity), and the third constraint imposes monotonicity. Similar to the DEA specification, other standard specification of returns to scale can be imposed by an additional constraint on the intercept term :math:`\alpha_i`. If :math:`\alpha_i=0`, then the problem (2.2) or (2.3) is a constant returns to scale (CRS) model, otherwise it is a variable returns to scale (VRS) model. Note that Problems (2.2) and (2.3) are the quadratic programming problem, so we resort to the MOSEK and CPLEX solver to solve them. The additive CNLS model can be estimated in Python using the module CNLS(y, x, z, ...) in the package ``pyStoNED`` with the cet parameter set to CET\_ADDI (additive model), rts parameter set to RTS\_VRS (VRS model), and \code{fun} parameter set to FUN\_PROD (production function) or FUN\_COST (cost function). Further, in this section we set the parameter z=None and introduce it in section (2.2). The results can be displayed in the screen directly using the .display\_alpha() (i.e., display the coefficients :math:`\hat{\alpha}_i`) or stored in the memory using the .get\_alpha(). The following examples are to demonstrate how to estimate the VRS models: Example: Estimating production function (additive CNLS model) `[.ipynb] `__ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. code:: python # import packages from pystoned import CNLS from pystoned.constant import CET_ADDI, FUN_PROD, OPT_LOCAL, RTS_VRS from pystoned.dataset import load_Finnish_electricity_firm # import Finnish electricity distribution firms data data = load_Finnish_electricity_firm(x_select=['OPEX', 'CAPEX'], y_select=['Energy']) # define and solve the CNLS model model = CNLS.CNLS(y=data.y, x=data.x, z=None, cet = CET_ADDI, fun = FUN_PROD, rts = RTS_VRS) # estimate the model using: 1) remote solver; 2) local solver # Please replace with your own email address reqired by NEOS server (see https://neos-guide.org/content/FAQ#email) model.optimize('email@address') #model.optimize(OPT_LOCAL) # display the estimates model.display_alpha() model.display_beta() model.display_residual() # store the estimates alpha = model.get_alpha() beta = model.get_beta() residuals = model.get_residual()